Health Ingredients-Postbiotic 37Labtico® Introduction

Benefits of Probiotics
As we age, the number of people who eat outside the home increases, we eat a lot of meat and fish every day, we stay up late, we are under stress, and we don't get enough water, which leads to a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria, and the amount of good bacteria in our body is even more difficult to cope with.

Probiotics Effect
Probiotics fermentation after metabolism 37Labtico is the metabolic product of probiotics, with SOD, polysaccharides, organic acids, amino acids and other effects, and contains the ABC triple beneficial bacteria, which can help regulate the physiological functions, to build a good body, is one of the most popular recommendations for probiotics.

Health Ingredients-Postbiotic 37Labtico® Product Advantages

 Select 12 kinds of highly effective probiotics, including ABC, polysaccharides, amino acids, etc. and activate the effective probiotics in the body in a multi-stage process.

Can be used in powder, jelly and liquid.

Rich in nutrients such as SOD-like, ORAC, and organic acids.

 Won the Japan Genius Innovation Award.

Health Ingredients-Postbiotic 37Labtico® Product Information
product name Postbiotic 37Labtico®
scientific name Bifidobacteriumb infantisBifidobacteriumb breveBifidobacterium lactisBifidobacterium longumBifidobacterium bifldumLactobacillus plantarumLactobacillus paracaseiLactobacillus caseiLactobacillus rhamnosusLactobacillus acidophilusLactobacillus fermentunStreptococcus thermophilus
Specification Pelletized/Non-Pelletized/High Peptide
SOD-like 3 x 106 unit/100g
Lactic Acid Bacteria Cell Count(Heat Sterilized) 5 x1010cells/g
Hydrolyzed Amino Acid50.0 %
Branched Chain Amino Acid10.0 %
Major Peptide Length9peptides
Type Powder, Liquid
Origin Taiwan
retention period Powder: room temperature (20-26), unopened can be stored for 3 years.
Liquid: Refrigerated, can be stored unopened for 3 years.